The Corner

Holo…What Now?

So everybody agrees that the holodeck was a vanity conceit designed for actors who really had contempt for the show they were starring in? That the whole point was to let Patrick Stewart wear period costumes? That it showed the creative exhaustion of the writers, who looked down their noses at Trekian themes and plots in favor of little actor’s showcases? That everyone now agrees the physics of the holodeck were absolutely absurd and that, for Geordi especially, they made no sense? How can the holodeck seem real to a guy who sees on all the wavelengths of the electromagnetic spectrum? How!? If that chick looks real when scoped by infra-red, x-ray how is she not real? And if the holodeck can repeatedly create sentient, independent, autnomous personalities, why is Data so special? And for pity’s sake, why can’t he use contractions!?! He can solve pie to the 8 billionth place in the blink of an eye, but he can’t set up a little internal algorythmn or protocal that says “it is = it’s”?


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