The Corner

His Non-Cheatin’ Heart

At the top of today’s Impromptus, I mention something President Obama said in an interview with Bill Simmons, the sportswriter: “I am very proud of the fact I do not cheat when I’m playing golf.” I then tell a story about Bobby Jones.

In the 1925 U.S. Open, he called a penalty stroke on himself — which may well have cost him the tournament. He wound up losing by a shot. Afterward, he was praised for his honesty and sportsmanship. He would have none of it, retorting, “Sooner praise a man for not robbing a bank.”

This reminded a reader of a Chris Rock routine. Paraphrased, the comedian says, “Back in the neighborhood, guys are always bragging, ‘I’ve never been to prison.’ Well, you’re not supposed to go to prison! They say, ‘I take care of my kids.’ Well, you’re supposed to take care of your kids!”

For the Obama interview with Simmons, go here. Personally, I think Obama should quit politics and go into sportscasting. Maybe he can join Rush in a booth somewhere. I bet Rush would be game. But the other side always thinks we have cooties (or worse). (That’s another theme of my column today, come to think of it.) 

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