The Corner

Hillary’s real donors

The Obama campaign sends out an e-mail containing the following point, which still deserves note even now:

A spokesman said [Hillary Clinton] may continue to “loan the campaign additional money out of her jointly-held assets” — which include more than $100 million in income since her husband left the White House.

Of course, this is just a fundraising pitch by a campaign whose supporters might otherwise become complacent in near-victory. But you can also consider the large speaking fees that former President Clinton has amassed since leaving office. Look back at who paid Bill, and that’s who will now be financing Hillary as the campaign donations dry up. Amanda Carpenter observed this possibility ages ago and repeats it today:

Hillary Clinton has now dipped into the joint checking account she shares with her husband, largely made up of speaking fees earned in foreign countries, to finance her presidential campaign…

Since leaving the White House former President Clinton has earned millions in speaking fees, mostly from foreign countries like the United Arab Emirates, Dubai and the People’s Republic of China.

This would be more interesting if Hillary had a credible chance of becoming the nominee.

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