The Corner

Hillary on the Horizon?

My post on Hillary’s irrelevance was underlined by a front-page WaPo story today:

She talked chickens with female farmers in Kenya. She listened to the excruciating stories of rape victims in war-torn eastern Congo. And in South Africa, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton visited a housing project built by poor women, where she danced with a choir singing “Heel-a-ree! Heel-a-ree!”

Clinton’s just-concluded 11-day trip to Africa has sent the clearest signal yet that she intends to make women’s rights one of her signature issues and a higher priority than ever before in American diplomacy.

The only reason a secretary of state — a successor to Jefferson, J. Q. Adams, Clay, Webster, Seward, Hull, Marshall, et al., for heaven’s sake — would be visiting chicken farmers in Kenya is because she doesn’t have anything else to do.

But the declining prospects of The One may pave the way for her revenge; reader James E.’s comments echoed what a lot of other readers thought:

Is Obama tempting fate by dissing HRC now?  He’s much weaker than he was in January.  She’s not incapable of underhanded tricks, and she certainly values her own interests more than theoretical advantages of her party.  Idle Clintons are the devil’s favorite playground.

If things go badly enough for BHO, she’s the one to play Teddy Kennedy to his Jimmy Carter.  Like Republicans, Dems are a big unified party only when everything is going well.  However unlikely that might be right now, she’s got to top the list of those who can make it more likely.

I’d buy a front-row ticket for that show!

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