The Corner

Hey, It Is Worth Plugging Again

An e-mail:

After waiting 3 months for some grad-student or professor to turn it

back in, I FINALLY got Home-Alone America from the BYU Library. I’ve

been looking for it since that Q&A you did with Mrs. Eberstadt.

INCREDIBLE BOOK. People who already read NR and the Corner probably

don’t need an extra plug, but I just wanted to say thanks for calling

my attention to the book– I never would have heard of it otherwise.

It calls attention to things that should be common-sense, but I’ve

never really thought of in that way. I’ve always wanted to be a

stay-at-home Mom– my mother was– and this book has just given me

more reasons. This is the perfect antidote to that horrific Newsweek

article. I can’t remember the title, but it was disgusting.

Thanks again!

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