The Corner

Hey! I’m A Candidate for Change, Too!

Team Romney sent out an email this morning headlined “GOVERNOR ROMNEY ADVANCES HIS MESSAGE OF CHANGE IN WASHINGTON.”  It includes a quote from CBS this morning in which Romney, who has invested a lot of time defending George W. Bush, appeared to argue that while voters want change in Washington, they don’t necessarily want it in the White House – but in any event, they want change, and he is the candidate of change:

Well, you know, I think the race in Iowa was really a very clear call that people want change in Washington, not in the White House, in Washington.  It was a very disappointing night for John McCain, who came in fourth despite the support of the Des Moines Register, a very disappointing night from Hillary Clinton.  For those people who are Washington insiders, Iowa said no.  And I think you’re going to find America saying, “You know what, we want to change Washington, and that’s only going to be possible with somebody who comes from outside Washington.”  So, my message will be about changing Washington, getting the major problems we have solved rather than having Washington insiders just change the chairs around.

Byron York is a former White House correspondent for National Review.
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