The Corner

Helping the Aleuts Who Dissed Chavez

This is so nice, from a reader:

I’m so strapped for cash, I owe the IRS … life’s a mess.  But I so appreciate those folks’ attitude (because it’s the right thing to do, stand behind your President), that I will find some way to do without $50 and send it to them.  It’s not much, but I figure there will be some others like me.

By the way, several readers have asked whether I verified the information I gave for the Unangan Energy Assistance Fund.  It all checks out, except the one p.o. box I gave for Key Bank in Anchorage was not correct.  So here is all the information again, corrected. 

Donations to help the villages affected can be made at a Key Bank account titled: “Unangan Energy Assistance Fund” C/O Key Bank # 729681009001.  Donations can be made at any Key Bank Branch Nationwide or Can be mailed to:

Unangan Energy Assistance Fund

c/o Aleutian Pribilof Islands Association

201 East Third Avenue

Anchorage , Alaska 99501


Unangan Energy Assistance Fund

c/o Key Bank

P.O. Box 100420

Anchorage , AK 99510

Donations are tax deductible as a contribution to a 501 c 3 Not For Profit TIN # 92-0073013

The website for the umbrella organization is here.  It has good info on history & culture. 

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