The Corner

Hell’s Not Frozen — Just Getting Crowded

Byron — Odd as it may look, all things considered, to see Hillary and Richard Mellon Scaife in what sure looks like earnest conversation there, things have changed for the newspaper magnate and former funder of all Clinton expose journalism. (He also funded Heritage paper on “Preserving a Culture of Marriage.”) Scaife, a now sober alcoholic, is getting divorced after his second wife caught him at a motel with another woman, as described here. Despite his billions, it happened to be a $40 a night motel (that may go further in Pittsburgh), and the lady in question, his mistress, has a criminal record including arrests for prostitution. Mrs. Scaife would have none of it, and pronounced the marriage over. (She is currently getting by on $724,000 per month in alimony.) Scaife has explained, with a touch of ruefulness but not much remorse, that he, like Bill Clinton, is a sex addict. As such, he has a new respect for the former president. At first you’d think this would not endear him to Hillary. But Hillary is the poster girl of sex-addict enablers, (you’ll forgive the psychobabble language) so it kind of works.

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