The Corner

Hell is Naomi Wolf

Earlier, Jonah listed Naomi Wolf as one of the left’s most paranoid figures — indeed, she thinks her mail is being read by the government and recently wrote a book declaring that the country is rapidly descending into fascism. Still, Wolf insists “Every argument I make is strictly on the facts … I am not being heated or even rhetorical. I am being technical.” Well, by her own curious standards her latest piece is yet another piece of calm, technical analysis. Here’s her description of some controversial memos from the Bush administration:

It was as if Milton’s Satan had a law degree and was establishing within the borders of the United States the architecture of hell.

Well, alrighty then. Later she asks:

As a non-lawyer, was I completely off base in my reading of what [these memos] meant, I wondered? Was I hallucinating?

Sadly, I don’t think she’s interested in a truthful answer to that question.

UPDATE — Apparently, Naomi Wolf is no stranger to actually hallucinating:

This January she told a Scottish journalist about an epiphany where she a vision of Jesus filled with light and was transformed into a 13 year old boy sitting with a male he loves and admires.

Tears ran down her face and she felt “complete joy and happiness”.

She said it was the most profound experience of her life.

She has described it as Brokeback Mountain experience, much like coming out – and she has refused to talk about it since.

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