The Corner

Heavy Meddle

The Iranians are accusing Obama of meddling even though Obama says he doesn’t want to meddle.  It seems this offers a great opportunity for Obama to meddle! How about giving a serious speech or statement in which he says something like:

The government of Iran has accused the United States of America of interfering in their domestic affairs. I wish to forthrightly deny this accusation. America has not intervened on the part of the heroic forces of reform and democracy as they daily risk their lives in their noble struggle. The United States of America is sincere in its desire to open a new era of franknes and cooperation between our two great nations. Therefore we will  work with the unelected government currently in power which is brutalizing its own people as the whole world can see. And we will gladly work with the heroic people of Iran as they struggle against daunting odds for a better life for themselves and their children should they succeed in their peaceful Jihad for justice.

I’m only partly joking. It seems to me that Obama is a master of passive aggressive rhetoric. We certainly saw that skill on ample display during the primaries and general election. Why not use it on the international stage as well.

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