The Corner

A Health Issue?

I really didn’t mean to get into conversation about the Kerry botox rumors (it was completely against my better judgment to bring it up earlier and I apologize), but since it has been brought up, this reader’s e-mail should be included:

Don’t forget that John Kerry is a prostate cancer survivor. My father is

being treated with lupron, and the drug has enabled him to live relatively

comfortably for the last several years. One of its side effects, though, is

that as it shuts off your testosterone, it changes a man’s facial skin

tone–and the changes are dramatic. My father’s face looks ten years

younger, his skin is almost luminous, and he hardly has to shave anymore.

If Senator Kerry is using this drug, his handlers would be reluctant to

share that information–not very “Presidential.” I could be wrong, but it’s

something to consider.

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