The Corner

Hayek, Gay Marriage Sullivan and Rauch

Nick Gillespie has an interesting follow-up with some useful links on the Hayek and gay marriage front.

But Gillespie also chides me for “dismissing” Jonathan Rauch because he’s gay. This is a good opportunity to qualify my remarks. In the post Gillespie mentions, I said that Sullivan and Rauch allow their sexuality to inform their views more than their conservatism. This was taken by some readers to mean that I think Sullivan and Rauch argue in bad faith. This is flatly not the case. I think both are sincere and principled advocates of their positions. But I do think their passion for gay issues, sometimes leads them to faulty conclusions. Still it sounded to many like I was saying something else, and I didn’t want to leave that impression. I respect both of them a great deal.

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