The Corner

Have You No Sense of Decency, Sir?

In order to preempt attacks on their upcoming Supreme Court nominee, the lefties are already trying to Bork his or her chief examiner, Sen. Jeff Sessions, new ranking member of Senate Judiciary (having Borked him two decades ago when he was a judicial nominee himself). Of course, like other conservatives subjected to the left’s Two-Minute Hate, Sessions is an honorable man and a dedicated public servant. (Considering the president’s timeline for the nomination, maybe the campaign is better described as the Six-Month Hate.) This first salvo in the attack on Sessions is the usual slime, published by Frank Sharry of the open-borders group America’s Voice and based on smears from the odious SPLC (whose head, Morris Dees, was recently, and for the umpteenth time, denounced by his fellow leftists, this time by Alexander Cockburn as “the arch-salesman of hate mongering“). I’d call it McCarthyite, but that’s not only cliched at this point, but McCarthy was an amateur compared to his heirs on the Left.

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