The Corner

Harry Reid Admits He Lies On The Senate Floor

Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D., Nev.) confirmed the suspicions raised among Republicans during the recent fight over the human trafficking bill: he lies on the Senate floor.

Reid has no regrets about accusing Mitt Romney, without evidence, of failing to pay his taxes. “Well, they can call it whatever they want,” Reid told CNN, as Andrew noted. “Romney didn’t win, did he?”

It’s a remarkable admission that he’s willing to lie on the Senate floor, especially in light of the Reid’s recent attempt to argue that Senate Democrats didn’t know that a human trafficking bill they supported when it passed out of the Judiciary Committee — which includes Reid’s top two lieutenants — included Hyde Amendment language banning taxpayer funding of abortion.

“Many believe it was sleight of hand,” Reid said on the Senate floor, as he demanded that Republicans rewrite a bill that Democrats don’t have the votes to amend.

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