The Corner

Harry Browne & Me

I’ve said many times around here that I think Libertarians tend to be very smart even though I disagree with them. There are always exceptions. Increasingly, I’ve come to think that Harry Browne is the exception. Or, if that’s unfair, I think he’s consumed so much of his own Kool Aid he’s incapable of talking to anybody except those who agree with him 100% already. We went toe-to-toe a few years ago and I was underwhelmed then.

He’s going after me again this week. I’m really not sure it’s worth a detailed response. But let me just note that he brings a lot of assumptions to the table he doesn’t prove. He simply asserts (with three exclamation points!!!) that I am trying to justify the entire war in Iraq on the basis of a single nice story in Iraq about the good works that Marines are doing there. And then he completely cuts the lifeline to reasonableness.

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