The Corner

Law & the Courts

The Hard Left Doesn’t Fear the Law. They’ve Decided They Are the Law.

From the Thursday Morning Jolt:

Berkeley 2017: ‘We Will Control the Streets. This Is War.’

We didn’t expect the hard Left to learn anything useful from the 2016 election. Instead, they have chosen to double down:

The Hard Left doesn’t fear the law. They’ve decided they are the law.

Let’s be clear: a significant number of Americans, both on and off America’s college campuses, do not believe in other people’s right to give speeches with perspectives and ideas they oppose. The boss noticed how frequently the term “un-American” is thrown around these days in the debates about immigration law. Physically attacking people because they have different beliefs is about as un-American as it gets.

Kiara Robles braved the crowd wearing a red “Make Bitcoin Great Again” hat in the style of President Trump’s red hats, which made her and our crew a target. The video in the player above shows the graphic exchange between a protester and Robles, who was pepper sprayed. “I’m looking to make a statement by just being here and I think the protesters are doing the same. Props to the ones who are doing it non-violently, but I think that’s a very rare thing indeed.”

She later told ABC7 News she was alright.

She was not the only person attacked at the protest Wednesday.

“I hope I don’t have a broken nose over this,” said Joe Scherer, an observer. “The first amendment is fundamental to our Constitution.”

By 9 p.m. protesters had taken to the streets of Berkeley carrying protest signs. Some marched while others threw rocks at buildings. A Chase location and a Wells Fargo location were vandalized. Broken glass could be seen flying into the streets from Sky7.

Officials held a news conference while the protests were happening saying it wasn’t a proud moment for the city.

The violence and vandalism spread far beyond the school’s campus.

U.C. Berkeley police and university officials issued warnings to the students not to exit their dorms. A shelter-in-place was ordered as well.

When you are willing to pepper-spray right in front of the television cameras, you’re not just attacking that person; you’re trying to intimidate everyone else who sees that image, too. It’s a signal to everyone else — if the angry hard-Left mob thinks you’re against them, they won’t wait to read the fine print on your red cap. They will inflict pain on you and not even bother to ask questions later.

Meanwhile, across the bay in San Francisco:

The San Francisco police department is suspending ties with the FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force.

The announcement comes amid growing concerns of spying on Muslim Americans by the new Trump Administration.

While you’re at it, why not paint a bull’s-eye on the TransAmerica building?

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