The Corner


Haley Sides with Western Allies While Trump Sides with Putin. The Two Should Debate Their Differences

Left: Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley speaks at a campaign stop in Laurens, S.C., February 12, 2024. Right: Former president Donald Trump speaks at a campaign rally at Coastal Carolina University in Conway, S.C., February 10, 2024. (Julia Nikhinson, Sam Wolfe/Reuters)

Nikki Haley announced a major policy position: She supports seizing Russia’s frozen central-bank assets and using them to reconstruct Ukraine.

While former president Donald Trump is siding with Russia, Haley is siding with Ukraine and Western allies. While Trump is tearing down global security, Haley wants to prop it up.

Following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Western governments froze some $300 billion of the assets of Russia’s central bank held in Western accounts. Late last month, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee voted 20 to one in favor of the unprecedented act of seizing those frozen assets and using them to rebuild Ukraine. Haley supports this legislation.

In a statement to Bloomberg, Haley said: “Just in the past few days, Trump sided with Putin over NATO, and his willingness to abandon Ukraine and our allies puts every American in danger. Our focus must always be about preventing war and keeping our troops out of harm’s way.”

Haley added: “We need a president who has moral clarity about the need to support our allies and stand up to the world’s worst dictators.”

Seizing Russia’s frozen assets would be risky and controversial. Haley has come down on the right side of this issue.

If Trump disagrees with her, then he should get on a debate stage with her and explain why.

We are living in dangerous times. There are land wars in Europe and in the Middle East. Tensions are rising in East Asia. Trump and Haley have deep, fundamental disagreements about whether the United States should support dictators or democracies.

Trump should be asked this question every day: Why won’t you debate Nikki Haley about the crucial issues facing our nation and the world?

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