The Corner

Hair Still Curly, Eyes Still Blue

From Peggy Noonan’s column on the president: “Her email reminded me of another, one a friend received some months ago: ‘I took the W off my car today,’ it said on the subject line. It sounded like a country

western song, like a great lament.”

How fortunate NRO is to have an accomplished songwriter on staff!

I have composed the following lyrics, to be sung to the tune of the old Hank Williams classic “Why Don’t You Love Me Like You Used To Do?” (Which might very well be the song that the President cries himself to sleep with nowadays.)


I took the W from my car today.

Just couldn’t show it on the ol’ highway.

Shamed by the sight of it, I threw it away.

I took the W from my car today.

I stood with W when he took on all the lib’rals like that fool Al Go-o-ore.

And when he hammered on John Kerry I was cheerin’ till my throat was so-o-re.

Sure, he had said things I did not approve.

“When someone’s hurting, then the feds should move.”

I still hung in there, thinkin’ he’d improve,

But I took the W from my car today.

When Harriet Miers was his Supreme Court pick,

I’d have to say it left me feelin’ sick.

Yet still I stayed with George through thin an’ thick,

But I took the W from my car today.

I thought the war would make us safer by democratizin’ Arab la-a-and.

But it just fired ‘em up and now Osama’s legions are all fully ma-a-anned.

Then one day at work I heard the owner say

He’d make more money if he hired José .

Laid me off with one week’s sev’rance pay.

I took the W from my car today.

(Copyright Derb Productions, Inc. All rights reserved.)

John Derbyshire — Mr. Derbyshire is a former contributing editor of National Review.
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