The Corner

‘Guantanamo Bay Was Never Meant to Be an Ellis Island’

Republicans in the House have introduced legislation to close off the various legal avenues the administration could use to bring terrorists at Guantanamo to the United States (love the name: “Keep Terrorists at Bay Act,” as in Guantanamo Bay). I believe earlier actions prevented the Defense Department from using any funds to transfer terrorists to the U.S., but this is the first attempt to actually change the Immigration and Nationality Act to bar the admission of terrorists from Gitmo. Under this proposal, courts would be barred from ordering a terrorist’s release into the U.S., the State Department couldn’t issue a visa, and DHS could’t admit one or provide any type of immigration status or parole. Seems like a no-brainer and appears to have leadership support, given that the sponsors include the ranking members on Judiciary, Intelligence, and Homeland Security.

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