The Corner

‘Great! Let’s Vote!’

At an open-borders conference Friday, a featured speaker was “Jihad Jeannie” Butterfield, formerly head of the immigration lawyers lobby and now at the National Immigration Forum. Here’s what she had to say:

After admitting that the chances for comprehensive immigration reform (CIR) were remote in the current session of Congress – “there are only 25 to 30 legislative days left, and there are the budgets, the confirmation of a Supreme Court Justice, and perhaps some energy legislation,” Ms. Butterfield said, “but maybe we can get a piece or two, the Dream Act and/or the AgJobs bill.”

“What we do not want is a symbolic vote in the Senate [for comprehensive reform] that lets the White House say ’see, we tried, and the Republicans blocked it’,” she continued.

This reminds of something Mickey Kaus wrote a few months back:

Wouldn’t the surest way to take immigration reform off Congress’ agenda be for Republicans to say, “Great! Let’s vote!”?

So I’m adopting a new position on this — I think it’s the height of irresponsibility for our elected representatives not to vote on the vital issue of amnesty for illegal aliens. We need a vote on this urgent matter forthwith!

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