The Corner

Graves Joins Flake on Approps

On the homepage, I examine a potential source of conflict on next year’s House Appropriations Committee, as prominent fiscal hawk Rep. Jeff Flake (R., Ariz.), who wants to institute greater oversight and other sweeping reforms, faces off against Chairman Hal Rogers (R., Ky.),  a.k.a. the “Prince of Pork,” an avowed earmarker until just recently. 

In our interview, Flake said he hoped that freshman Rep. Tom Graves (R., Ga.) would be joining him on the committee. Well, he got his wish yesterday. Graves will be someone to keep an eye on in the 112th Congress. Prior to winning a special election in 2010, Graves spearheaded efforts in the Georgia General Assembly to cut more that $3 billion from the state budget, and authored reforms to make the budgeting process more transparent and accountable.

“I join the Committee with plans to embody America’s call for fiscal responsibility and bring a new brand of appropriator to the table,” Graves said in a statement. “Where others sought to spend taxpayers’ money, I will save it. Rather than fund more government, I will stop its overreach. Instead of requesting earmarks, I will expose them. Wherever there is waste, largesse, or duplication, I plan to call it out and work to cut off funding.”

Andrew StilesAndrew Stiles is a political reporter for National Review Online. He previously worked at the Washington Free Beacon, and was an intern at The Hill newspaper. Stiles is a 2009 ...
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