The Corner

Graham: GOP is ‘in a Hole’ and Romney ‘Kept on Digging’

Lindsey Graham slammed Governor Romney’s “gifts” remark, arguing earlier today on Meet the Press that the Republican Party is “in a hole” and Romney “kept on digging.” According to Graham, Romney’s attitude, manifested in that remark, hurt the GOP in particular with the Hispanic community: 

We’re in a big hole and we’re not getting out of it by comments like that. When you’re in a hole, stop digging. He [Romney] keeps digging. The Hispanic community, 71 percent voted for President Obama, and they’re all disappointed in President Obama. There’s high unemployment among the Hispanic community. President Obama did not embrace comprehensive immigration reform like he promised, but they voted for him because he’s the lesser of two evils. Self-deportation being pushed by Mitt Romney hurt our chances. We’re in a death spiral with Hispanic voters because of rhetoric around immigration and candidate Romney, in the primary, dug the hole deeper…If we don’t stop digging, we’re never gonna get out of it. 

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