The Corner

National Security & Defense

Gowdy on Clinton: ‘I Can’t See What She Takes Responsibility For’

“When [Hillary Clinton is] asked whether she takes responsibility, she says yes, but when you ask responsibly for what, I can’t see what she takes responsibility for,” Trey Gowdy, chairman of the House Benghazi Committee, told Chuck Todd on Meet the Press this morning.

Gowdy contended that Clinton seemed to believe that decisions about the security of the Benghazi mission didn’t rise to her level.

“With respect to the placing of the mission, with the requests for more security, I have a position rooted in the  [State Department’s Accountability Review Board report] that the secretary of state, himself or herself, should do that personal review,” Gowdy said. “Her position is that there are people and processes in place and she relies on security experts. We’ve got to get that reconciled… the ultimate objective is to avoid the next Benghazi.

Gowdy rejected the suggestion that the committee spent too much time examining about Sidney Blumenthal’s e-mails to Clinton.

“He was one of the more prolific e-mailers to her on the subject matter… How does this person who has no formal role in government and no expertise in Libya or Benghazi, how does he have unfettered access to you, but the ambassador, there is not a single e-mail to or from him?” Gowdy asked.

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