The Corner

Politics & Policy

A Report Card on How Candidates Responded to Supreme Court on Gay Marriage

Over at, I’ve just released a report card on how GOP candidates responded to the Supreme Court ruling overturning the classic understanding of marriage.

The humongous field (not then including Jim Gilmore) divides into three basic tiers:

‐The A Team (Santorum, Huckabee, Jindal, Cruz);

‐The Gentlemen’s Cs and Ds;

‐And the F-Troop.

David Brody kindly posted about the report card, and yours truly:

The respected and widely acclaimed pro-family leader Maggie Gallagher is out with her report card on how the presidential candidates handled the gay marriage decision by the Supreme Court. The winners? Rick Santorum, Mike Huckabee, Bobby Jindal and Ted Cruz. Everybody else didn’t get a sticker. Read the report card here. […]

By the way: don’t dismiss what Gallagher has to say. If you want a pulse on the pro-family movement, Maggie Gallagher usually has her finger right on it. She co-found the National Organization for Marriage in 2007 and now works with the American Principles Project.

Read the report card and weep (or rejoice).

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