The Corner

Goodlatte: Executive Amnesty Contains ‘Sneaky’ Path to Citizenship

President Obama’s recent executive orders on immigration include provisions that “place potentially hundreds of thousands of unlawful immigrants on a path to citizenship,” a top Republican revealed after a staff-level briefing from U.S. Customs and Immigration Services. 

“Your Department’s recent changes to this deferred action program seem to be a sneaky attempt to place potentially hundreds of thousands of unlawful immigrants on a path to citizenship,” House Judiciary Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R., Va.) wrote in a Friday letter to Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson.

The key is that DHS allows the illegal immigrants who enroll in the deferred action program established by Obama’s orders to apply for advanced parole status.

“As you know, when an individual receives advance parole, upon return to the United States the individual can then be eligible to adjust to lawful permanent resident (LPR) status,” Goodlatte writes to Johnson.  “And as you know, lawful permanent resident status is the precursor to U.S. citizenship.  A simple search of the Internet reveals that immigration reform advocacy groups and immigration benefits law practices are fully aware of the path to citizenship that is afforded to DACA recipients through advance parole.”

USCIS staff told Goodlatte’s office that 88 percent of illegal immigrants who applied for advance parole through the deferred action program in the last two years had their request approved.   

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