The Corner

Good for Congressman Kingston

The drinking age should be reduced to eighteen (or, at the very least, states should be left genuinely free to set their own limits), but as reported in  Stars & Stripes, here’s a sensible proposal that could be a modest step in the right direction — as well as some long overdue recognition of the caliber of the younger members of the military:

Younger troops have grumbled for years that America trusts them to carry a weapon and fight for freedom overseas, but until age 21 they can’t be trusted with a bottle of beer. Now a Georgia lawmaker is looking at changing that.

Rep. Jack Kingston, R-Ga., introduced legislation recently which would allow servicemembers as young as 18 to enjoy alcoholic drinks at restaurants or clubs on any stateside military base. The bill would not allow anyone under 21 to buy carry-out cases of beer from base stores or allow younger troops to keep beer in their barracks.

This isn’t the first time the idea has surfaced. Several states have pitched lowering their drinking ages to reward troops for their service. Kingston told the Florida Times-Union that military leaders have backed the idea in private, and he thinks the movement could gather wider support. 

But groups like Mothers Against Drunk Driving have blocked such moves in the past

If anyone knows about mission creep, it’s the neo-prohibitionists at the once well-intentioned MADD. 

H/t: Yglesias.

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