The Corner

Golden Oldie

August… always reminds me of the ancient Garment District joke:

Two guys meet on the street in NY city’s Garment District.

1st guy: Benny! Haven’t seen you for ages! How are things going? How’s business?

2nd guy: Don’t ask! Terrible! April and May, business was so bad I wouldn’t wish it on Yasser Arafat. June and July I lost all my orders from April and May! But hey, you don’t want to hear about my troubles. How are things going with you? How’s the family?

1st guy: Don’t ask! Terrible! Listen — just this last month, my wife left me, my daughter dropped out of college, and my son told me he’s a homosexual! What could be worse than that?

2nd guy: August!

John Derbyshire — Mr. Derbyshire is a former contributing editor of National Review.
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