The Corner

Goldberg: The Next Generation

Because Jonah has other matters to attend to at the moment, he asked me to let the world (a.ka. The Corner) know of the birth of Lucy Tighe Goldberg to Jonah and the Fair Jessica. The proud father, in his own words: “Like the women on both sides of her family, she has some mighty powerful lungs and little to no reluctance about using them. Her specific opinions on matters of state seem a bit inchoate right now but I expect that to change soon….She’s a nice pinkish hue with Churchillian cheek bones. She’s got huge feet, large hands and slightly more than a hint of brownish hair. She has the whole package of toes and fingers in their properly assigned locations. She likes to make a face like she’s warming up to play the trumpet and she doesn’t think any of my jokes are funny–yet.”

For those who want to congratulate the new parents, or impart advice on the youngest Goldberg, send your e-mails to

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