The Corner

God & Me

Oh well, from an often critical e-friend:

Jonah, your “God & Me” column was a gigantic failure and I’m very

disappointed for it. It was a logical & theological mess.

You write: “I also detest the tendency of Americans, Westerners, or

“Moderns” to boast of how they’ve customized their religious views to

fit their lifestyles.”

Since you fail to tell us exactly what you DO believe…then you are

member of this crowd you detest. You’ve made your own God. Surely you

must see this.

Also, this “religion public, belief private” construct you’ve set-up

is is whole ‘nother can-’o-worms. (although I understand what your

getting at).

Anyways, your probably busy reading the million e-mails pointing out

the problems of your column…

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