The Corner

Go Shopping with NRO

Still hunting for the right Christmas gift? John J. Miller has a few suggestions:

Something new: Starvation Lake, a debut crime novel by Bryan Gruley. I found it by chance at a bookstore on Mackinac Island this summer. It was better than the fudge we also brought home. The story takes place in northern Michigan and involves the mysterious death of a youth-hockey coach. The characters are first-rate. Gruley has a bright future in the genre.

Something old: With Malice toward None: The Life of Abraham Lincoln, by Stephen B. Oates. There is no shortage of great writing on Lincoln, but this biography is my favorite, possibly because it’s the first one I picked up. That experience inspired me to start thinking about writing the book that would become my first novel. 

Get more suggestions from NRO’s Christmas-shopping symposium here, here, and here.

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