The Corner

Go, Newt!

In case anyone had any doubt…Gingrich is definitely serious about this president thing: While in New Hampshire last night, he went after McCain’s free-speech-inhibiting namesake.

AP :

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich said Monday that First Amendment rights need to be expanded and cited the elimination of McCain-Feingold campaign finance reforms as one solution.

Gingrich, a Republican, suggested allowing people to give any amount to any candidate as long as the donation is reported online within 24 hours.“Just as tax lawyers always succeed in out-thinking the (Internal Revenue Service) because they stay after five and the IRS goes home, the private-sector lawyers will always out-think the (Federal Election Commission) because they stay after five and the FEC goes home,” Gingrich told about 400 people at the Nackey Scripps Loeb First Amendment Awards Honors dinner….

Newt ain’t going all the way. But this could be fun — and good for the whole process.  

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