The Corner

Giuliani: The Antithesis of Therapy Culture

Noemie Emery’s Weekly Standard piece on the urban origins of the front runners for the Republican presidential nomination is worth reading in full, but I especially like this description of Giuliani’s conservative appeal:

He is the enemy and the antithesis of the therapy culture that is at the core of the modern liberal project, the foe of relativism and friend of retribution and punishment, when it is called for. The word evil doers would not seem strange on his lips.

There’s much we still need to learn about Giuliani, and his views on social issues, especially abortion, are reasonable cause for hesitation. But in our current situation, one of the President’s prime responsibilities is to be America’s leader and representative on the world stage. Most conservatives, I suspect, would rank fortitude, toughness, and strength of character as key qualities for that job, and in that sense, Giuliani is a very appealing candidate.

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