The Corner

Gingrich Describes ’94 Romney as Running to ‘Left of Teddy Kennedy’

Yesterday, Newt Gingrich pledged he would remain “positive” even as Mitt Romney’s campaign attacked him. “I’m going to stay positive, I’m going to talk about how we solve the country’s problems. And I have one opponent, Barack Obama, and that’s how our campaign is going to keep moving forward,” Gingrich told reporters in South Carolina, per The Hill.

Today, when asked during a Coffee and Markets podcast (h/t: Yahoo News) about the fact that Romney hadn’t supported the Contract with America, Gingrich responded, “He was running to the left of Teddy Kennedy in Massachusetts in 1994. And he said flatly, he wasn’t for the Reagan-Bush policies, he was an independent. And he couldn’t possibly have been for the Contract because, how do you run in Massachusetts to the left of Teddy Kennedy favoring a Gingrich contract?” 

Katrina TrinkoKatrina Trinko is a political reporter for National Review. Trinko is also a member of USA TODAY’S Board of Contributors, and her work has been published in various media outlets ...
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