The Corner


Get Your Fresh, Hot Samizdat!

This is getting pretty funny. So I went on Morning Joe to talk about my new book, The Smallest Minority. We talked about Twitter mobs and controversy and related things. NARAL then put out a completely fabricated (and later, under pressure, retracted) claim that we’d had a conversation about abortion (which never came up) during which outrageous things were alleged to have been said. This was a lie. Pure fiction.

Now, Mediaite has created a segment about the segment insisting that we should have talked about abortion in the course of discussing a book that has nothing to do with abortion. Okay.

And then the funny bit: In their little video, they blur out the cover of my book and bleep out the title when it is said, as though they were Soviet czars and this were samizdat.

I promise: I am not paying these cretins and buffoons to do this stuff. They keep illustrating my thesis all on their own.

If you’re wondering what all the fuss is about, you can buy the book here.

Kevin D. Williamson is a former fellow at National Review Institute and a former roving correspondent for National Review.
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