The Corner

Get Me the International Criminal Court!

Did American SEALs shoot three members of the Somali Voluntary Coastguard?

Nod to Radio Equalizer.

Update: Oh Jeez. From a reader:


Glad you reposted that Youtube clip. It reminded me that Al Sharpton says stupid things and is black. Barack Obama is also black. Al Sharpton and Barack Obama know each other! What other purpose is the side-by-side picture there for? Because Barack Obama feels the same way about pirates? As I understand it, he was responsible for the order that had them shot. If you’re going to repost something, which is admittedly funny (disturbing), then I would hope you disown the subtle racism of that image or just post the audio. Yes, I’m sure you rely on readers like me to know where your heart is, but you only further the message of the original poster by reposting that image and clip.

Okey dokey: I hereby disown the subtle racism perceived by the reader that I failed to perceive. I also disown the racism that some would infer had Sharpton been white, hence allegedly implying that Obama isn’t “authentically black.”

I also admit that I have no idea how to post the audio without the picture and since I didn’t find anything racist in it, it didn’t occur to me to try.

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