The Corner


Germany Plans to Allow Gender and Name Changes Once a Year

The German government plans to allow people to change their gender and first names on demand — as often as once a year — and to allow children age 14 and older to do so without parental permission. From the AP story (my emphasis):

Under the planned “self-determination law,” adults would be able to change their first name and legal gender at registry offices without further formalities

The proposed new rules provide for minors ages 14 and older to change their name and legal gender with approval from their parents or guardians; if they don’t agree, teenagers could ask a family court to overrule them.

In the case of children under 14, parents or guardians would have to make registry office applications on their behalf.

Paus said that after a formal change of name and gender is registered, no further changes would be allowed for a year, a provision intended to “ensure the seriousness of the desire to change.”

Allowing gender and name changes with the snap of a finger does not “ensure the seriousness of the desire to change.” Just the opposite.

I don’t understand how the transgender issue has gained such centrality in progressive politics and among our ruling class. But it is becoming a civilizational question. When subjective feelings and internal psychological states of being become the end-all and be-all defining society, chaos will surely follow.

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