The Corner

Geek Gibberish Answer Key

Herewith the answers to yesterday’s geek gibberish:

ana:l nathrakh, u:rth va:s bethud, dokhje:l djenve

I had no idea how to spell this, but this was the most “authentic” looking version on the web. I could have just written “anal nathrakh,” but I’m not into that sort of thing.

Anyway, this is the Charm of Making from “Excalibur.”

Yee plebneesta:

Admittedly this is one of many phonetic interpretations. It is the mutated beginning of the U.S. Constitution from the “Omega Glory” episode of “Star Trek.”

Muadib and Shai-Hulud are both from the Dune novels. Muadib was Paul Atreidis messianic Fremen name. It means, I believe, little mouse or some such. Shai-Hulud is what they called the giant worms and what they tended to call God.

Crom is of course Conan’s God. Conan yells his name whenever he’s pissed off. Crom is an uncaring God, unlike Ed Capano, Publisher of National Review, which is why I never yell, “Capano! My furnace is still broken!”

Grabthar’s Hammer, was what the Spockish character swore by in Galaxy Quest.

Kepla, is Klingon. But we all knew that.

Glamdring is, I believe, the name of Gandalf’s sword. But I could have also sworn it meant lots of noise.

And, lastly, there’s “Mar! Whompa! Whompa!,” which was definitely the stumper for nearly everyone. “Mar! Whompa! Whompa!” comes from the commercial for Star Wars action figures from when I was a kid. The kid playing with the snow beast from Ice Planet Hoth yells “Mar! Whompa! Whompa!” while holding it in front of Han and Luke.

In short: Thank God I’m already married.

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