The Corner

Gay Pro-Lifers

You’ve got to find email like this at least a bit interesting:

I am a gay conservative living in the liberal bastion of New York City (Chelsea, for that matter). I have always wondered how being pro-choice is a matter in which gay rights groups needed to be involved. Certainly, the thinking within the community cannot be monolothic. I often began asking if they believed that it was morally correct to abort babies because of their gender. I would bring up South Korea and China, where women often will abort their child because the child is female. The response would always be that although it is unseemly, it is a matter of choice. I would then follow it up with the gay gene hypothesis – namely, if there is a gay gene and it is determined, would it still be a matter of choice for a woman to abort a child knowing the child would be gay. I would then ask if the pro-choicer believed that most women would give birth to a child knowing that the child would grow up to be gay. The answer is obvious; many would not. Thank you for putting this in the corner today. The pro-abortion stance of the left and the Democratic party is one of the reasons that I am as staunch a Republican as I am. Although gay marriage is an issue that deserves discussion, it pales in comparison to the gruesome death that unborn gay and lesbian children currently endure (and would endure in far greater numbers if a gay gene were discovered). Great post.

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