The Corner

“Gay Marriage Versus Booty Call”

Good point from a reader:


It seem somebody, liberals presumably, is re-writing the guidelines about the sanctity of marriage. On one hand, they’re claiming that a man and a woman who shack up together can live just as securely, and raise children just as well, as a married couple, and therefore they should not be looked down upon because they’re sharing a bed without a pair of wedding rings.

On the other hand, the liberals claim that a marriage between a man and a man, and a woman and a woman, is a sign that gays are committed to a stable, monogomous relationships, and hence can become part of the American family.

“It’s a beautiful thing,” they say.

So…which is it? Is marriage an archaic tradition whose time has passed only when a man and woman want to skip the altar and hit the sack? Or is it a “beautiful thing” only when it helps legitamize a man shacking up with a man and making booty-call sound less Sodom- and Gomorrah-like?

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