The Corner

Gaming The System


Just precisely at the time I read your post about minority-owned businesses getting preference in the Katrina money shower, I was getting into Jerome Corsi’s book Atomic Iran: How the Terrorist Regime Bought the Bomb and American Politicians

On p. 57 we meet Hassan Nemazee, an Iranian-American who was one of John Kerry’s top fund-raisers in ‘04, and a board member of the mullah-friendly American Iranian Council. Then, on p.59:

“…a money management adventure, First Capital Advisers (FCA), that Nemazee entered into with stock picker Gerry Angulo… In 1990 Angulo had FCA apply as a ‘Hispanic-owned firm’ to manage money for the huge California Public Employees’ Retirement System (CalPERS). Angulo is a Cuban American, but how was Nemazee Hispanic? Evidently Nemazee applied for Venezuelan citizenship, relying on a family connection to the wealthy Cisneros clan of Venezuela.

“In a separate instance, Nemazee;s status as a money manager was challeneged when Nemazee claimed to be an Asian American because his father had been born in Bombay, India…”

The business world, Heaven knows, offers plenty of opportunities for crooks, shysters, con-men, and system-gamers. The “minority-owned business”

racket has plainly opened up vast new territories for these people to exploit.

John Derbyshire — Mr. Derbyshire is a former contributing editor of National Review.
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