The Corner

On Galloway

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“>Here’s the British leftist antiwar journalist, Greg Palast, on George Galloway:

“During his debate with Salman Rushdie at the recent Edinburgh TV Festival, someone asked George Galloway if television should broadcast an adaptation of Rushdie’s novel, “Satanic Verses.” According to Rushdie, Galloway replied, “If you don’t respect religion, you have to suffer the consequences.” Holy Jesus! This was, unmistakably, an endorsement of the death-sentence fatwa issued against Rushdie by Ayatollah Khomeini…The Honorable Member of Britain’s House of Commons has become the new love-child of American progressives for his in-your-face accusations about our own government’s mendacity in sending our troops to war in Iraq. I myself quoted Galloway with admiration. But the man who saluted the “courage” of Saddam Hussein in 1994, who today can’t and won’t account for nearly a million dollars in income and expenditures for a charity he founded to buy medicine for Iraqi children is not, friends, the best choice as our anti-war spokesman.”

Oh Greg, Greg, Greg, how could you say that about James Wolcott’s “hero”?

Could it be that, in this respect at least, you actually know what you are talking about?

Hat-tip: Andrew Sullivan

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