The Corner

Frustration Sets In

From a reader:

Okay, so Nancy Pelosi has now put down in writing that voters protesting at Town Hall meetings are unAmerican.  We just spent eight years with the President Bush repeating ad nauseam that protestors are engaging their right to free speech as Americans, and eight years of Nancy Pelosi screaming that dissent is the greatest form of patriotism, and eight years of Nancy Pelosi practically begging some elected Republican to call left-wing activists unAmerican (although to no avail).

And now, BANG–protesting is suddenly unpatriotic and unAmerican.  WHAT IS THE POINT of arguing with the Pelosi-Obama left? Perhaps it shores up the troops on our own side; that’s about all I can come up with.  It sure isn’t entertaining. The arguments are so infantile, it’s as intellectually engaging as watching a three day marathon of The View.  Watching Pelosi/Obama is a little like watching my dog battle the dog on the other side of the mirror, except my dog is pretty damn funny.


P.S. If I were in your shoes, stuff like this would make me sit back and think “hmm…maybe it’s time for something new.”

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