The Corner

Frozen Chosen Update

A reader writes:

If you don’t mind a little ecumenical Scripture analysis, the New Testament (Matthew 22:14) has this to say about the Chosen People in Alaska:

“Many are cold, but few are frozen.”

In other news about Palin and the Jews, AIPAC has given her it’s blessing, after a meeting in which she “pledged her commitment to the strengthening of ties between the US and Israel. “

 ”Like Sen. McCain, the vice presidential nominee understands and believes in the special friendship between the two democracies and would work to expand and deepen the strategic partnership in a McCain-Palin Administration.”

Now that we’ve got that settled, I wonder what Osama bin Laden thinks of her. Considering that several young ladies were recently buried alive in the sand in Baluchistan for daring to express a choice about their own husbands, — a “traditional tribal punishment, legislators in Islamabad were shocked to hear – I can guess whose side he’d be on in the debate about her family.

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