The Corner

Friday Odd Stuff from Debby

How an Intern Stole NASA’s Moon Rocks.

Strange food art.

Star Trek’s Warp Drive: Not Impossible.

Ancient tsunami hit New York .

Eating chocolate improves your mathematical ability.

People can’t distinguish dog food from pâté.  Here’s the link to the original paper.

Man Infects Herd of Pigs With Swine Flu.

How to digitize your old analog stuff.

Nuclear bomb tests help to identify fake whisky.

Star Wars wedding.

Educational toys.

The Code Even the CIA Can’t Crack.

A Brief History of Geeks.

Spotting flu fevers with thermal imaging.

How Google’s book-scanner corrects for the curvature of an open book.

Baby Sumo.

Bach’s “Toccata and Fugue in D minor” with digital visual tracking of organ keys.

Amazon monkey-suckling tribe.

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