The Corner

Friday links

Always be battle-ready – The Tactical Order of Dressing: An Illustrated Guide (as taught to military and emergency personnel).

Photo Gallery: Glow Worms Lighting Up an Underground Cave.

A history of Tug-of-War Fatalities.

Why is The Sky Blue? How Do Bees and Butterflies See?

You Can Buy This Australian Town for $750,000.

In 1913, newspapers predicted we’d be eating giant radioactive frog steaks.

ICYMI, Wednesday’s links are here, and include a Romanian cave sealed for 5.5 million years (it’s full of strange creatures who evolved separately), the Shakespeare fanatic who introduced the Bard’s birds to America (32 starlings in the 1890s to over 200 million now), the couch-potato gene, and, for Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy fans, a celebration of Towel Day.

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