The Corner

Free Advice

And, believe it or not, this advice might be worth something: I caution liberals, both in politics and in the media (same diff, right?), not to let Palin drive them nuts. A lot of conservatives — a lot of us conservatives, I might say — were driven nuts by Clinton. We were driven nuts by his enduring popularity in the face of tremendous misdeeds. And liberals will have a hard time beating McCain-Palin if Palin is making their head bang and their eyes bug.

I know that talent — especially female talent — is supposed to be Ivy- (or Ivy-ish-) educated, NPR-listening, and liberal. But sometimes it isn’t. Palin is an outright phenomenon: Deal with it.

Well, with that free advice, I’m jetting from my computer, and will be back tomorrow, addressing the addresses of Mitt (solid), Huck (outstanding), and Rudy (ditto).

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