The Corner

Foreclosing on the DREAM

A new WaPo piece reports that “Foreclosure takes toll on increasing number of children,” with the clear subtext that those who can’t pay their mortgages should be given a pass because their children would be put out of their homes. As the article says “Still, with all the issues the foreclosure crisis raises about the social and emotional development of children and the stability of the schools they are entering and leaving, the issue has not yet attracted the kind of public-policy response it deserves, experts say.”

This is similar to the argument for the DREAM Act amnesty for people who came here illegally before the age of 16 — i.e., they should not have to pay for the mistakes of their parents. But this is really just another step in severing the responsibility parents have for the well-being of their children, like the D.C. public schools program that has started providing kids breakfast, lunch, and dinner. As a parent, it’s your responsibility to provide your kids with nutrition, housing, and membership in a national community, and it’s the height of arrogance to demand that others fix your mistakes — whether it’s taxpayer-funded schools feeding your children, banks giving them a free place to live, or the American people providing them citizenship.

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