The Corner

“Folks’ Lives,” Cont.

Have rec’d a fair amount of mail along the following lines: “I’m 40, and my wife is 39. Our oldest child just turned 21. You do the math. We did not exactly plan on getting married, but get married we did, and what a wonderful, rewarding life we have led! We have done this, that, and the other. We have struggled, we have scrimped — we’ve helped each other. We have learned a lot. And we rejoice in what we have. We weren’t planning on becoming parents, at that age. But we now see — we were entertaining angels, unawares.”

Of course, there are other stories in the world. But a lot of people are telling me: “I wish people would quit linking ‘teenage pregnancy’ to tragedy, as though they were talking about cancer or hurricanes.” I see their point, and I know you do, too.

Moreover, there is mail like this: “Which is worse? A teenage pregnancy, followed by marriage and a useful life? Or a marriage, an abortion or two, a divorce. I mean, which is more honorable, more respectable?”

And, you, of course, can see that point, too.

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