The Corner

Foley Concedes

Republican Tom Foley has just conceded the governor’s race in Connecticut to Democrat Dan Malloy.

At a press conference in Hartford, Foley told reporters that he would not initiate legal action to force a recount. He noted that his campaign team double-checked with towns across the state to ensure that their results matched the secretary of state’s tabulations.

“They have determined that towns are likely to amend their results,” Foley admitted, “but not by more than several hundred votes.” Referring to the photocopied ballots that Bridgeport used when it ran out of official ones on election day, Foley added, “I am confident that a recount that included the photocopied ballots would not change the outcome of the governor’s race.”

Foley said he would call Malloy after the press conference to concede. When asked if he would pursue elected office in the future, Foley responded, “I have no idea.”

Brian Bolduc is a former editorial associate for National Review Online.
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