The Corner

Foley & The Base

Okay now I’m simply being deluged with this sort of email:

Jonah:   When will someone step up  and say:  Foley is responsible for his own actions. Not Hastert, not the GOP, not the congressional pages, nor any of the previous congressional sleaze bags.  Geez, I’ll let you folks in on what middle-America thinks of this issue…..People must be held accountable for their own actions.   And that person is a perverted man named Foley of Florida.


that Post story on that conservative republican voting democrat is so phony.  No one calling themselves a “conservative” is going to vote for a democrat unless their particular democrat is more conservative than their particular republican.  If they nonetheless do, then they are stupid and there is nothing you can do about them anyway, or they were not conservative in the first place.

Non-partisan voters are mildy retarded.  No offense intended to the mildly retarded.

We need to eliminate campaign finance reform, reinvigorate our political parties, and right this ship.


Ditto from me and two of my Republican friends.  The actions of one slime-ball congressman, who has resigned, should not trump every other issue.  In fact if would be a disaster if Hastert and the Republicans caved on this.

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